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Our Premium recipes for February 2022

Cooking is like love: it should be entered into with abandon, or not at all – Harriet Van Horne

Where did that first month of the year go already?

With February upon us, we turn our sights to Valentine’s Day, in more ways than one. Yes, on the one hand we’ve created a menu of dishes this month that would grace a feast for any loved one. They’re simple to execute, but look super impressive too.

But we’ve gone deeper than that too! This January’s recipes are also packed with heart healthy ingredients: vitamin B12, omega 3 fats, potassium, fibre and more.

So whether you’re cooking for a loved one or not, these dishes are sure to make your heart skip a beat!

January Salad - Elevated Premium Recipes & Cooking Tips

Starter: Smoked mackerel rillette Recipe

For our first course in the Valentine’s Day menu, we have our smoked mackerel rillette, in the style of a typical French coarse pate. As this uses smoked mackerel it is packed with vitamin B12, omega 3 fats and protein, and served here with a new take on our pizza base, a seeded flatbread crisp and soused cucumbers.

vegan miso-infused cauliflower steak recipe - Elevated Premium Recipes & Cooking Tips

A choice of steaks for main course

We have a choice of steaks for this month, the one above is a vegan miso-infused cauliflower steak. The other is a ribeye cooked like pro by Jason who reveals his technique, honed from working with some of the top chefs in the world over the years.

Both are served with Jerusalem artichokes, a super healthy and light carb, and our chimichurri sauce from last month.

Vegan, nut-free, dairy-free and gluten-free fudge brownie recipe - Elevated Premium Recipes

Vegan, nut-free, dairy-free and gluten-free fudge brownie

For desert, and by popular demand from one of our members, we have taken our brownie that was already gluten and dairy free and we’ve now taken the nuts out of it too! It’s still delicious, while the addition of gram flour adds a hefty dose of protein and gives a fabulous fudge-like texture to the finished cake. This is best eaten a day or two after it comes out of the oven, so be sure to make this ahead of Valentine’s Day if it’s your choice of dessert.

Coming up in March

So that’s it for this month, we do hope you enjoy these heart-healthy favourites…  Next month we have a heap of family friendly favourites, so get ready to get the kids involved.

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