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Our Premium Recipes for April 2021

In the April Premium edition of Elevated…

We’re dedicating (most of) this month to veganism. It’s an area of nutrition we are exploring more and more and while neither of us are meat free, we do enjoy a flexitarian approach where we have a number of vegan/vegetarian days each month.

Like most things today, the issue of whether to be vegan or not is both highly polarised and divisive. It’s not for us to judge people’s personal choices but we do like to give you the best information possible to help you make that choice. It’s why in this month’s nutrition article James has trawled through the scientific literature to find some of the research that shows the advantages of a vegan diet, as well as highlighting a number of studies where the evidence remains inconclusive.

If you do decide to adopt a meat-free lifestyle after reading the piece, James also highlights a number of nutritional challenges caused by a vegan diet – and how to avoid them so you’ve fully fuelled up and ready to go.

Enjoy the read here – it’s a long one!

(And don’t forget – there’s lots of lovely content for meat eaters on the site too!)

Eat What Makes You Happy - Elevated Premium Recipes

This month’s recipes

Brilliant Base: Roast Root Vegetable Stock

In past editions we’ve created an Elevated Bone Marrow Broth as one of our Brilliant Bases, this month we’ve come up with its vegan cousin. Roasting down root vegetables until they caramelise, then flooding with water and allowing to cook low ’n’ slow, this stock will offer a great flavour-packed punch to many dishes.

Our vegan protein

It’s quite exciting to see the increasing number of vegan and vegetarian products on supermarket aisles. When it comes to some of the meat replacements though, we look at the ingredients and can’t help notice that many of them are highly processed. To counteract this, Jason has developed this fantastic protein from store cupboard ingredients that you can shape to look like anything from a chicken breast to a Sunday roast. It’s super delicious and we’re super-excited about this one. We hope you love it as much as we do.

Tofu and noodle ramen

This is an amazing dish that can be put together in minutes using our Aromatic Nage Brilliant Base. Reminiscent of the kind of quick noodle soup in a bowl you get in many eateries in Japan, it’s both flavour and nutrition packed.

Vegan cassoulet

Jason headed off (spiritually at least, we were in lockdown at the time!) to the Toulouse region of France to come up with another use for our Tomato Fondue Brilliant Base and our vegetable stock in this warming vegan cassoulet. Here we have used some store-bought vegan sausages, but they were the best we could find with minimal processing. It’s a dish you can prepare in five minutes while showering the kids or relaxing after work, stick in the oven and pull it out done and ready 45 minutes later.

Iron-fortified soup

Iron from meat is said to be more bioavailable – meaning the body can use it easier than iron from veg. It’s one of the reasons, some vegans may have low iron levels that can lead to anaemia. Here we’ve used iron-rich water cress and spinach that also contain vitamin C to increase that bioavailability. The result is this deliciously vibrant light soup that Jason has honed from his time working in some of the country’s top restaurants. Quick and delicious, it’s also incredibly Instagrammable.

Vegetables on a market stall - Elevated Premium Recipes

Two big breakfasts

Breakfast/brunch are a favourite time of ours and this month we have two great options for you. One of them is a gluten-free vegan pancake, packed with essential omega 3 fats (which can be lacking in vegan diets) from the flaxseed we use to bind the batter as you would an egg in a traditional pancake. The other is a vegan scrambled tofu that looks like scrambled egg (even down to the runny consistency) and has a great umami flavour thanks to the addition of nutritional yeast (which also contains B12, also ordinarily lacking in vegan diets).

Learn to cook like a boss

This month’s Kitchen Skills come in the form of a two-part Breakfast Eggs Masterclass from Jason. Let’s face it, we all learn how to cook breakfast eggs on a trial-and-error basis. Here, he shows how to make omelettes and scrambled eggs in part one, and poached, fried and boiled eggs in part two. Interestingly the boiled eggs require no boiling. Intrigued? Check out the Premium Recipes & Nutrition section to find out how!

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