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Our Premium Recipes for April 2023

It’s James and Jason here with a brief overview of the new recipes our Elevated Food For Life subscribers get in April 2023.

This month we are focussing on recipes that all the family can enjoy but with ingredients that can also support the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause – and to that end, James has written an article that highlights the key nutrients that may be beneficial in helping support perimenopause symptoms.

We’ve also gone back through all our past recipes and looked at ones that contain hormone supporting ingredients and tagged them as Female hormone friendly recipes, so our subscribers can now select recipes on a really specific basis.

It’s worth saying that simply eating well is a great way to support a health journey in midlife – and our core principles are testament to that: cooking from scratch, using the best ingredients possible, minimising possible allergens, high in protein… and of course tasty!

Our first recipe this month then is our Broccoli and butter bean salmon or tofu bake (above). It’s packed with hormone supporting nutrients and used our Brilliant Base Vegan Béchamel sauce. Here we have different options for the protein for you with a choice of either salmon or tofu, the latter for those who want to keep it vegan but still want that added nutritional support. It has the added bonuses of being light and super-quick to make too.

See the full range of recipes for menopause here.

Feta and Edamame Bean Salad - Elevated Premium Recipes

Feta and edamame bean salad

As we enter April, here’s a fab salad to kick off the warmer months that has the benefit of being able to support potential hormonal issues. Like all soya products, edamame beans are high in a substance called phytoestrogens – these mimic human oestrogen and have been shown to have beneficial effects on symptoms such as hot flushes. The feta adds protein and bacteria that can help with gut health, as well as calcium to help protect bones.

Organic field mushrooms on sourdough - Elevated Premium Recipes

Organic field mushrooms on sourdough

All our Brilliant Bases can be used in several ways, so if you made the salmon/tofu bake above and you have some Brilliant Base Vegan Béchamel sauce left over, you can store it and use it a few days later in this excellent dish. Using organic field mushrooms that are low in calories but high in fibre, it has high levels of B vitamins for central nervous system control and bone-strengthening vitamin D. Take a look at the article we mentioned above to see why these all important nutrients for women in perimenopause.

Hormone-friendly hummus - Elevated Premium Recipes

Hormone-friendly hummus

Our final main dish for the month is one of those that is so simple, it’s quite brilliant. It’s a homemade hummus that takes minutes to make, is much cheaper than store bought stuff and tastes miles better. Our take on the classic Middle Eastern dip has been specially designed to help support female hormones thanks to it containing tofu. We know tofu is one of those Marmite foods, you either love or hate. If you’re one of the latter by adding it into the hummus you won’t even know it’s there.

Healthy Fat Rascal Recipe - Elevated Premium Recipes

Surprise dish: the Elevated Fat Rascal

At the request of one of our subscribers, Audrey, we bring you the key attributes of a signature dish from a chain of high-end cafés that’s close to us here in Yorkshire, the world-famous Fat Rascal from Betty’s tea rooms…. with an Elevated twist, of course. It’s on the naughty side from a calorie point of view, but Jason has used the best ingredients going to take this to a new level.

Check out the full range of menopause recipes here.

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