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The Best Foods for IBS – The Foods You Can Eat

Anyone with irritable bowel syndrome knows how challenging it can be to enjoy a varied, nutritious diet with restrictions on what they can eat. 

However, it’s definitely not impossible. There are strategies, hints, tips and, of course, knowing which foods are good for an IBS diet. 

So, our clinical nutritionist, James, and professional chef, Jason, have worked hard to pull together a useful list of foods that will not only help to avoid IBS symptoms, but allow you to enjoy a healthy, nutritious diet too. 

Everyone reacts differently to different foods when it comes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so you may find that some foods are better for your symptoms than others. And, while we’ve carefully selected foods that are generally considered good for IBS, it doesn’t always mean it’ll work for you. 

So, try things in moderation and introduce them slowly if you’re concerned.

Here at Elevated Food For Life, our aim is to help people live life better by creating nutritionally dense, delicious recipes that anyone can create at home. 

Discover our full selection of recipes and sign up to our subscription today.

12 Foods to Help With IBS

For anyone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), it’s not just about avoiding foods that trigger your symptoms, it’s also about finding foods that are gentle on the digestive system and can help reduce symptoms too.

Here’s a list of foods that are generally well-tolerated by people with IBS and can support a healthy diet too:

  1. Low-FODMAP Fruits: Bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and kiwi are lower in fermentable sugars and are therefore easier on the digestive system for someone with IBS.
  2. Low-FODMAP Vegetables: Carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, and bell peppers are less likely to cause gas and bloating, unlike cruciferous vegetables, which are high in fibre and high in FODMAP too. Make sure they’re well cooked to help with easier digestion too. Note: for more information on Low FODMAP foods and helping with IBS, take a look at this blog! 
  3. Lean Proteins: Chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef, pork, and fish are low in fat and easier on the digestive system than high fat options, which could cause an increase in symptoms.
  4. Eggs: These are not only generally well tolerated as part of a diet for people with IBS, they’re also packed full of good fats, protein and vitamins and minerals too.
  5. Gluten-Free Grains: Rice, quinoa, oats (ensure they are gluten-free), and polenta are typically easier to digest and less likely to trigger symptoms than gluten-based options. Plus, all of these ingredients are packed full of nutrients, making them a must for any health diet.
  6. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds (in moderation) provide healthy fats and fibre that hasn’t been too fermented, which can trigger symptoms like stomach pain for someone with IBS.
  7. Herbal Teas: Peppermint tea and ginger tea are great for stomach discomfort and can soothe the digestive tract and reduce symptoms like bloating and gas.
  8. Smoothies: Blending low-FODMAP fruits and vegetables with lactose-free or dairy-free milk can create a nutritious and gentle option for breakfast or snacks. As it’s blended, the fibre content will be lower, making for much easier digestion.
  9. Bone Broth: Rich in nutrients and easy on the digestive system, bone broth can be very soothing on the gut, and great for your overall health. We’ve created our own Bone Broth Brilliant Base, which we use in a huge range of Elevated Dishes to add a gut-friendly, nutritional boost to our dishes.
  10. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes: These starchy vegetables are usually well-tolerated by people with irritable bowel syndrome and have a range of nutritional benefits too.
  11. Fish: In particular, be on the lookout for fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe your gut.
  12. Herbs and spices: Fresh herbs like parsley, basil, and thyme can add flavour without the digestive upset that spicy or pungent seasonings might cause. And, while super spicy foods aren’t good for IBS, certain spices like turmeric can have antiinflammatory properties that may help to manage your symptoms if eaten regularly. 


Everyone is different, so when incorporating these foods into a diet for IBS management, it’s essential to pay attention to what your body is telling you about your tolerance levels. 

Keeping a food diary to track symptoms in relation to different foods can help identify personal triggers and safe foods. 

Working with a healthcare provider or a dietitian can also help tailor a diet plan that meets nutritional needs while minimising IBS symptoms.

Nutrition Tips for IBS

As well as ensuring you’re eating foods that support a varied, nutrition diet whilst reducing symptoms where possible, it’s also important you know all the hints and tips that help to avoid triggers too.

  1. Adopt a low-FODMAP diet, which involves limiting foods high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are basically short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and can lead to gas, bloating, and diarrhoea for someone with IBS. High-FODMAP foods to avoid include certain fruits like apples and pears, vegetables such as onions and garlic, dairy products like milk and soft cheeses, legumes, and wheat-based products.
  2. Consume smaller meals more frequently throughout the day rather than large meals. Large meals can overstimulate the gut and worsen symptoms. Try to do this with snacks too. For example, if you’re trying to increase your fruit intake, space it out throughout the day to avoid triggering any symptoms.
  3. Choose low-fat options and avoid fried foods. High-fat foods can slow down digestion, leading to discomfort, bloating, gas and diarrhoea. Plus, fried foods just aren’t great for your health anyway, and we’re passionate about making food that’s good for you, and helps you live a better life here at Elevated.
  4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Adequate hydration helps maintain digestive health and can ease constipation. Limit caffeinated beverages and alcohol, which can dehydrate and irritate the gut.
  5. Steer clear of artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol. These sugar alcohols are poorly absorbed in the gut and can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhoea if you have IBS. The key offenders are sugar-free chewing gum, sweets, and over-processed diet foods, but we’d recommend avoiding over processed foods anyway, as they don’t help with IBS and they definitely aren’t conducive to overall wellbeing either.
  6. Reduce the intake of spicy foods and seasonings. Spicy foods can irritate the digestive tract and exacerbate symptoms like pain and diarrhoea. Foods to avoid include hot peppers, chilli powder, and rich, heavily spiced dishes.

Recipes for IBS

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, we’re passionate about creating recipes that are packed full of nutrition, taste amazing and help you live a better, healthier life.

As part of that, we’ve created a range of low FODMAP dishes specifically to help with the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

These have been developed by our clinical nutritionist, James Ellis, alongside Jason Shaw, our professional chef, to ensure they’re not only appropriate for someone with IBS, they’ll be extremely nutritious and delicious too.

Take a look at some of our top low FODMAP picks below:

Sesame Salmon with Carrot Noodles

Recipe: Sesame salmon with carrot noodles

Lamb, Feta, Fennel and Orange Salad

Recipe: Lamb, feta, fennel, and orange salad

Flaxseed and Cumin Crusted Lamb Cutlets

Recipe: Flaxseed and cumin crusted lamb cutlets

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